SEVEN MORE Reasons You Might Want to Try Therapy

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In my last post, we looked at SEVEN Reasons You Might Want To Try Therapy.  Here, I continue to share some of the most common complaints that motivate people to seek help from me as a therapist. If you’ve been wondering whether therapy might be right for you or someone you love, read on. 

1. Another person suggested or recommended therapy for you. 
This one’s tricky. I’ve rarely found therapy effective if someone’s there just to please or appease another person. But if somebody you love and trust (i.e., your spouse/partner, friend, boss, doctor) is questioning whether you need help, it’s worth some reflection. 

2. You have a major life decision to make.
We’re talking about the big ones again, decisions that may be deeply personal or private, and which your family and friends may be too invested in to provide honest counsel. A therapist can offer neutral and objective support in weighing and thinking creatively about your choices. This doesn’t mean therapy’s a quick-fix (some decisions take years to process). And a good therapist won’t tell you what to do: therapists are trained to help clients find their own answers. 

3. You’ve begun to self-harm, self-sabotage or take unhealthy risks.
You or your loved ones have noticed that you’re engaging in harmful or dangerous behaviours (i.e., drug or alcohol abuse, binge eating, cutting, unsafe sex, overspending). These behaviours often cover-over emotional or psychological pain. Therapy can help you become aware of what’s motivating your actions and help you create a plan for change. 

4. You’ve been diagnosed with OR you find yourself ticking off symptoms of a mental health condition.
Psychotherapy may be an effective treatment option if you’ve been diagnosed with or suspect you may be developing symptoms of a specific mental health condition (i.e., depression, anxiety, disordered eating or body dysmorphia, addiction). An integrated approach to healing is often best for formally diagnosed mental health disorders.

5. You have a specific skill you would like to learn. 
Perhaps you’d like to learn more effective communication, conflict resolution, or stress reduction, relaxation, mindfulness, or meditation techniques? Therapy can help teach these skills and more.

6. An old trauma or memory is getting in the way of your current life. 
Sometimes old psychological wounds can resurface years after their occurrence. There may be an identifiable trigger or it may seem out of the blue. Some disorders are particularly prone to recurrence (i.e., eating disorders, addictions). If memories, emotions, thoughts or behaviours from the past are interfering with your functioning and happiness now, therapy can help you understand and address your suffering. 

7. For maintenance and self-care!!
Taking the time to check-in with yourself about the state of your mental health, your relationships, your dreams and goals, and to acknowledge your own challenges and successes is a solid investment. Integrating therapy into your self-care and wellness routine can be an invaluable gift to yourself. I sincerely believe in the process, and I’ve seen the results in my own life. 

The reasons for seeking therapy are ultimately as individual as each person, but if any of these points speak to you, it might be worth exploring therapy as a possible addition to your self-care toolkit. 

Have questions? Think you might be ready to give therapy a try? 
Connect for a FREE 20-minute telephone consultation.

If you’re wondering how to find the right therapist for you, read more here.